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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


  Hello litle readers, in the last blog section, I will write about the experience throughout the year. Unlike last year, it was a quieter experience and already a little more accustomed to the context of the pandemic, adapting again to normal, and the same with classes and recreational activities that were overshadowed by the pandemic and restrictions. Personally my internship in this specific field was something new for me, since a couple of years ago I did not have an exclusive bouquet of another language, where I remembered again concepts and topics that I had previously passed in my school stage. Also through the blogs I had a lot of fun knowing and reading stories of classmates, where there were topics of all kinds, very funny and others very interesting and informative. I feel that the blog was something very didactic to go sharing our life experiences with other people through another language, and to meet people who have the same interests as you, and you knew from a blo


Hello, again we are in a new post, and today I will write about my pets. Throughout my life I have had only two pets, both are dogs, since cats give me allergies :c, but still I find that dogs are better than cats idea, my first puppy I had was a German shepherd, I adopted it when I was about 7 months old, it was already quite large and I was a little scared , since I was about 8 or 9 years old and the dog was bigger than me haha, I named it Rocky, since it looked very big and strong, and coincidentally its previous owner had called him Rocky, he was very obedient and always barked when someone passed by outside the house, but he was also very playful , (appearances deceive). Unfortunately he had a heart problem, it was bigger than normal, and we had to inject it so that he would not suffer anymore, I was taking a little duck, while I saw the vet inject him with something that would make him sleep forever: c, until he closed his little eyes and left. That same day we buried him in


    Hello again readers, today I will talk about the subject that most enjoy this semester of my career, which is called Principios de Habitabilidad y Sostenibilidad, or better known as PHS, in it throughout the semester we developed a house based on a predefined model, in which we were intervening for each stage of work that was requested , seeking solutions to the problems raised in each unit, progressively modifying the project to meet these problems, and thus designing a final proposal with the best methods of solving these problems, such as ventilation, solar radiation, thermal envelope, and sustainability. Finally, presenting everything in a portfolio showing each modification of the house regarding these problems. What I liked most about this topic were the weekly papers, and getting feedback the following week where you quickly see the points to improve, instead of leaving everything in a delivery for the end. Thus learning in a better way and reinforcing the weaker theme