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Hello again, through this post I'll tell you what is my favorite piece of technology.

As a child I'm very fond of technology. I love anything new that comes out or innovative idea to make our life easier, then think of only one favorite thing or that has marked something important, was my mp3. I love it.

I remember I got it for school, and I found it great, because I only listened to music on the radio, so I couldn't always listen, then I found this device great, because even though I didn't have a radio with me everywhere I went, the mp3 allowed me to listen to music all the time. So I took it everywhere, I listened to music all day long, and the best thing was that I listened to my favorite styles of music. I remember that I used to ask my older cousin to download music to have it in the mp3, and he always added the music that he liked JAJAJ, music that I ended up liking too, I listened from electronic, electro-house, pop, rock and even metal.

Years went by, for Christmas I got an mp4, I started using it right away, since it was supposed to be a better version of the mp3. Well, I didn't even last a week with the mp4, since I couldn't get used to it, it was very big, it had a screen and many options, with my mp3 I could only pause, change the volume, and change songs, besides its design was much smaller, which allowed me to carry it in any pocket. 

My life without it, would not affect me much, because of the infinite possibilities of listening to streaming music, but if I had never had it, I would have lost several quiet moments with it, either watching a landscape or looking out the window of the bus while traveling to school listening to my favorite music.

In fact I still have it saved and use it from time to time to remember those moments.

This post is another small part of my life, I hope to read yours soon c:


  1. Aww, loved reading your post.
    When I was a child I got one too, it was pretty simple, small and useful. I used it constantly, although the only thing it allowed me to do was pause and change the music jeje.
    I share the same feeling as you, it also accompanied me in important moments of my life and I have very nice memories with it. xoxo

  2. Dear Adolfito, the mp3 is a great piece of technology. i never had one but my aunt was a fan. As you say, the mp3 was the perfect size to take it anywhere. :))))))))


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