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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021


  Hello, again we are in this blog, and today I will tell you about one of my favorite websites. Which is called Arquitectura Viva,   which for those who do not know it and study architecture can be very useful, is type informative blog and news of current architecture, where there are also spaces for the presentation of study projects, similar as the archdaily site, where specific aspects of a studied reference are described. What I like most about this website are the informative posts with new technologies applied in architecture, construction systems, coating systems, isolations, books and architectural concepts. This website has served me a lot throughout my career as a source of inspiration when it comes to idealizing a project and to look for new solutions to problems that arise in the development stage of commissions, I also use it a lot to find out daily about everything new in my field of study and thus be up to date with the implementation of new technologies in the arch


Hello readers, we are again in this blog, where I honestly do not know what topic to deal with, since as we are always used to following instructions or using some kind of format, I do not come to mind any idea, but well that's what we are going to. I will talk about cryptocurrencies, the best known by all surely is Bitcoin, created by an anonymous group more than a decade ago and all alternative cryptocurrencies are Altcoins,and a derive you can be   shitcoins  that are memes coins, or without any background project, some   Altcoins  better known as ADA, CHZ, ETH, BNB which present projects behind either by smart treaties such as ADA and ETH, or linked to sport as CHZ. To acquire these virtual currencies there are various solutions called Exchanges that are a type of intermediary where cryptocurrencies, shares, Fiat money are exchanged, among others, some of the best known are Binance , Coinbase, Capitaria ,and other alternatives that are only dedicated to trading such as